Strength in Trials

Much is written and spoken about trials and difficult times. This has been my understanding and my perspective of what we call trials and difficult times.

Recently I was talking to one of my friends. She was not her usual perky self and when I asked her about it, she said ‘God is putting me through challenges.’ That was a sad thing to hear. It is already a stress to have challenges and if it supposedly comes from God, I don’t know how anyone would survive that. Often times and almost always, we place the blame on God for everything that goes wrong. Its assumed and it sounds comforting to say that God is putting us to the test, refining us by fire to make us pure as gold.

Isn’t He God? He says, ‘I’m Alpha and Omega; I know the end from the beginning.’ So does He really need to wait and see our true allegiance in the face of trouble? Drawing a parallel to what we all go through growing up. We’ve taken up various exams as children and even as adults. All these are tests to measure our understanding of the subject. They are tools of evaluation to let us know if we are ready for what we are about to be certified and qualified to do.

Walking through and experiencing periods of trials brings out our dormant nature and in certain cases quickens the faith that needs to be exhibited at all times. It is for us to see where we stand in our faith, beliefs, values and principles in life. It is in times like these that the inner man is strengthened and better equipped for greater purposes of life. Every victory at the end of a trying time makes us believe stronger in the grace that pulls us through and experience the promise that says, ‘My strength is made perfect in your weaknesses.’

It is one thing to use our Father’s debit card to withdraw cash; nonetheless signing on his behalf is greater! Every test takes us closer to that point in life.